A mega-thread for the Discord Governance Meeting Notes (Wednesday’s @ 15:00 UTC).
A draft of the notes will be posted within 24 hours after the meeting has ended, which are to be approved during the next meeting. Until then please consider the notes as a draft version.
2021/07/07 Abstract:
Design committee on-chain proposal will go live within the next few days. Enigma’s IBC upgrade signalling proposal will go on-chain early next week according to the current schedule. A large part of the work is already done and what is left is mostly the new cosm modules. Guerilla Sticker Marketing Initiative had one proposer join the meeting but was unable to talk. No other proposers joined, we will try to find another option to discuss this in a special meeting. The C1 constitution is a guideline / best practices and not a hard rulebook. They welcome any and all feedback to improve this early version. Hopefully this will lead to a lowered threshold for proposals as it is known what the requirements for a ‘Yes’ vote are. Any validator is welcome to join and adopt the constitution. A community curated bounty list was suggested and received well. It will be expanded upon this week so we can discuss specifics / brainstorm next week.
Full notes:
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In regards to
“Hopefully this will lead to a lowered threshold for proposals as it is known what the requirements for a ‘Yes’ vote are”
Not trying to be an ass but, if you like the proposal, vote yes, otherwise don’t? Not sure why there needs to be any consensus on how individuals should vote?
It’s not that, it’s the fact that some people with really good ideas may not know how to convert this into a good Proposal.
By informing them on the guidelines beforehand, we can get better quality Proposals from the get go and therefore see more good ideas implemented.
Ah, I see, fine then.
I think for Secret Grants we already have some sort of template defined with questions like “how does this create value”, “timeline”, etc. So could just use that plus whatever was suggested.
@orageux101 already explained it quite well, but just to add to it, this is a document C1 is developing to help decide their own vote and make it clear to outsiders why they vote the way they vote. They will use it across all the chains that they run a validator on.
An additional benefit might be that people feel more secure in submitting a proposal when they know what they will be judged on by the biggest validator in Secret Network at the moment.
More info in the linked full notes.
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- Tor hasn’t had a chance to go over the numbers yet to do a sanity check and confirm the numbers are 100% correct. Therefore this week he went over the format of the Transparency Report and some of the high level achievements over the last months. Next week we will discuss the exact numbers and have time to do a Q&A session.
- Several committees are looking for (additional) leads: awareness, bizdev, and development. We currently don’t have applications / people taking initiative to lead. A RFL (Request for Lead) could help to get people to lead these committees and help get charters sorted. A forum thread will be created to discuss this topic.
Part 1: 20210804-part1.wav - Google Drive
Part 2: 20210804-part2.wav - Google Drive
Action points
- Do you have any questions you would like to have answered within the Transparency Report? Please post them in the Discord Governance channel (https://chat.scrt.network/) today (Aug 4).
- Consider joining the Community Curated Bounty List working group.
- Think about the best ways to attract qualified committee leads and discuss it in the RFL (Request For Lead) forum thread ([DISCUSSION] RFLs - Requests for Leads).
Full Notes: