SNF Frequently Asked Questions

last edited: 12/18/23

Hello all - the end of the year is approaching and the SNF team is working hard to make the most of the last of 2023. In an effort to continue with transparency and collaboration with the community, I have put together a FAQ that covers timely topics for the community. We’ll keep updating this when needed. Hopefully this is helpful, and can streamline questions! Feel free to add any Qs in the reply thread below.

What are the plans for board formation for SNF?

Read Lisa’s forum post here.

Will SNF be providing financial transparency?

SNF will provide quarterly financial reports starting in January 2024. This will include a budget for contractors as well as the marketing spend and other 3rd party/vendor expenses.

What are the focused initiatives for Secret Network Foundation in early 2024?

  • Supporting The Grants Program
  • Continuing campaigns to grow awareness and onboard new developers and users of our Privacy as a Service technology, with a focus on EVM chains
  • Hosting a Secret Hackathon spanning the month of February
  • Participating in ETH Denver - one of the premiere ETH conferences in the US
  • Continuing developer relations objectives, with a focus on PaaS
  • Improving our business development processes, including VC and exchange relations, and with a focus on bringing in new PaaS customers

Can you tell us more about what each SNF team member is contributing?

Here is the org structure outlining the teams’ roles. Bi-monthly starting in 2024, we’ll hold office hours with our team admin, Megan V. These office hours will give you a chance to meet with specific contributors of SNF and learn more about their role. Please join if you can! (check calendar for times here):

What are the goals and objectives for the marketing team?

Going into 2024, our objectives as a marketing team will better define marketing as a Growth Team. In the coming year, we’ll be ushering in several initiatives to ensure steady growth of partners, users, and influencers in our network.

Our Growth Team will play a crucial role in promoting Secret to relevant apps and users within events and online communities. We’ll also continue to build Secret’s brand visually and vocally. Our team consists of professionals with diverse skills, working together to achieve common objectives.

Growth Team Roles/responsibilities:

  • Jay - Works with Lisa and leadership team (including SCRT Labs) to identify opportunities and strategies which incompass (but is not limited to): PR, dApp support, in-person events, SLabs synergy, social media, external media partnerships, internal operations management). He oversees the team’s functionality and efficiency.
  • Lynsey - Oversees and manages all public-facing engagements. She actively works on co-branding/co-sponsor opportunities (including Hackathons) for synergy and cost-reduction. She is also managing speaking engagements for Lisa and Alex Z.
  • Ela - Responsible for all GFX support for Secret Network Foundation/SCRT Labs initiatives.
  • AnewbiZ - Responsible for managing all social media including announcements, campaigns (paid/organic) across multiple platforms.
    • Radhika - social intern who helps with daily programming.
  • Sean M - Responsible for video/media content supporting active campaigns and ongoing network priorities.
  • Markus - SNF Intern assisting the entire team.

Why isn’t the Foundation doing more marketing?

The Foundation’s goal is to use our resources towards growing our ecosystems of developers and partners, and less on traditional marketing at this time. In the coming months, this will be our priority. Spending time constructing high level marketing campaigns to raise awareness and attract projects that want to add our PaaS to their project, as well as attract developers to help us continue building our product. There will be marketing done around specific event appearances and virtual events.

Why is the Foundation doing marketing instead of development?

Development of Secret Network is handled by SCRT Labs, while the Secret Network Foundation handles marketing, business development, and developer relations.

Growth and Business Development have been divided as pillars in the Foundation as they each have specific tasks to accomplish, however symbiotically. Each has distinctive responsibilities that will work together, and can also be mutually exclusive in workflow. The Growth Team will continue to support all development efforts as a promotional mouthpiece as the network grows.

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Moved to new topic - this one is deleted

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