Quiz with Manta Network funding request

Greetings all! My name is Vadim, and I am the manager of the Russian-speaking community Secret Network. Twitter, our telegram chat, participation in ecosystem streams - here I take an active part. I was contacted by the manager of Manta & Calamari Network | CIS (Telegram: Contact @mantarussian) with a suggestion to make a ZK quiz between our communities. In my opinion, this is a great activity that will increase interest in our Beyond ZK articles by Guy.

Based on them, questions will be drafted, as well as from the Manta Network side. If you are of my opinion, I would like to request a small prize fund for the winners, 40 $SCRT, to be divided up. And with my funds, I plan to purchase above 5 Bushi Alpha Pass NFT, to encourage active participants, and at the same time increase interest in another of our projects.

Thank you for your time. Best regards, Vadim.