Hey everyone,
I got some news to share with you regarding the API team.
As outlined here (The API Proposal IV Revision B), we have reduced the amount of total nodes to the following three teams:
9 x thenodefather (secretnodes.com, Delta Flyer)
9 x Secret Saturn
9 x Quiet Monkey Mind
The current funds right now are handled by Delta Flyer (secretnodes.com). He holds the wallet (here: Mintscan ) that has the funds for the API proposal and does the payouts according to my discretion. This arrangement was done in the past because he was one of API team leads, which he fully gave over to me at Oct 30th.
As he does not want to make business with me anymore (which is unfortunate), he will not pay me my portion of the payout. Now we have two possibilities on how we can continue the API proposal:
First would be:
I leave the API team and give the lead over to Taariq as a neutral person, since thenodefather currently controls:
- The domain
- The budget that he was supposed to handle at my discretion
- The LB
- The reporting tooling
- The Auto heal
- The caching software.
Please keep in mind that he willing fully gave over the API team lead to me about 3 weeks ago.
- Or I would apply for extra funding, which just covers my portion of the api team until we reach the next term in March (corrected):
This would amount to 9 nodes x 150 $ per node x 4 months = 5400 $ for this remaining period.
Any extra, left over funds from my side will be of course be paid back to the community pool.
This funding of 5400 $ would also include my self developed open source code for the auto heal solution on nginx, as well as the status reporting and goaccess reporting (to adhere to the open source funding policy). I’m sure that the developed versions of thenodefather might be more sophisticated, but a simple auto solution for nginx is something that I think more teams can use for the future.
An alternative domain is also available in case secret.express is lost due to some complications.
I think the way to go here is to do a community spend proposal, which gauges how the chain and community feels about this. If the proposal is rejected, we can safely assume that the community thinks that I personally should definitely not continue the api proposal. In that case, I give over the lead to the api team to Quiet Monkey Mind and I’ll safely wind down my api endpoints to a minimum until the end of the year.
Also, we have to discuss on how the community feels about me being a member of the Secret Network Foundation now. There is a potential COI in general as with everything that I do now, but as it goes for the API proposal, I don’t see any concrete COI here.
Either way, some decision has to be made as to what’s happening in the future.
I’m happy with both as long as we vote on it, but the community has to decide now on what is going to happen.
Alex | Secret Saturn | SNF