Hi all - I’m writing to share an extremely important update for the dedicated supporters of Secret Network - and it’s also a bit of a personal update as well.
Our community is united by a common mission: to advance privacy as a public good, empowering people by providing the tools, technologies, education, and support necessary to preserve their freedom. Achieving our mission will require years of consistent development effort, education, and persistence. Our collective efforts so far in developing and growing Secret Network have only been a small step towards our ultimate goals as a community. That is why it is critical to create a sustainable foundation for these efforts today in order to continue our essential work years into the future.
To that end, I am thrilled to announce the Secret Foundation: a non-profit organization dedicated to helping all of us achieve this mission. I am also announcing my transition from my current role as Head of Growth at Enigma in order to serve as the Executive Director and Chairman of this foundation.
You can read my full announcement on the Secret Blog:
Introducing Secret Foundation
Please reply here with any questions you may have. It’s a big change, but an extremely exciting and positive one for all of us. I look forward to working more closely with all of you