Ertemann is moving on

It’s with mixed feelings that we say goodbye to Ertemann as a member of the SNF team at the end of this month. Ertemann, after making a huge impact in his short time with SNF (not to mention his long time with the network), has decided to focus on his other projects, and we wish him the best of everything. His help during the transition has been invaluable, and he will remain a member of the Secret family. We will miss his daily inputs but are grateful that his deep knowledge of Secret will be staying within the ecosystem! So long for now, and good luck, Ertemann!


Thank you Lisa and all of the other contributors that have welcomed me over the past 2+ years.

Working for Secret has been an incredible journey, and I am very grateful I was allowed the time to make my mark. I am very excited about the progress made by both core entities and the community and am sure we will see secret grow to be the interchain confidential computing hub.

I will continue to be an active contributor to the network from my role with Lavender.Five Nodes and am always happy to help any builder on secret, I am just a message away.

Thank you all - it was a pleasure!


I know you’ll be around so I won’t be too sappy but we have some big shoes to fill. Your intimate knowledge of the space is incredible and I’m so glad you’ve chosen to share it with this corner of crypto. Best of luck!!!

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So long @ertemann & thanks for all the fish!

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No one never really leaves SCRT