Bridge Mining Resources & Troubleshooting

Bridge Guides and Resources: :bridge_at_night:

Keplr: :night_with_stars:

Data & explorers: :mag_right:

Secret DeFi ecosystem: :money_with_wings:

Secret Native Projects: :newspaper:

Secret Holodeck-2 (testnet): :test_tube:
:stop_sign: These are alpha projects. Do not attempt to use them with real funds yet. Testnet only. :stop_sign:


SNIP20 contract addresses:

— :warning: do not send funds directly to these addresses :warning:—

ETH secret1wuzzjsdhthpvuyeeyhfq2ftsn3mvwf9rxy6ykw
USDT secret18wpjn83dayu4meu6wnn29khfkwdxs7kyrz9c8f
DAI secret1vnjck36ld45apf8u4fedxd5zy7f5l92y3w5qwq
COMP secret1szqzgpl9w42kekla57609y6dq2r39nf0ncx400
UNI secret1ds8850j99cf5h3hygy25f0zzs6r6s7vsgfs8te
YFI secret15grq8y54tvc24j8hf8chunsdcr84fd3d30fvqv
TUSD secret1ryh523y4e3233hphrkdslegszqz8syjfpthcpp
OCEAN secret12sjaw9wutn39cc5wqxfmkypm4n7tcerwfpvmps
LINK secret1xcrf2vvxcz8dhtgzgsd0zmzlf9g320ea2rhdjw
MKR secret1tqltnm8f53xnprmnlurczf6sr86a4mgztafxzp
SNX secret15c5ftq4rq7xq3tml4nphv2fvz3u7kg73a583qp
BAND secret1p4zvqgxggrrk435nj94p6la2g4xd0rwssgzpsr
KNC secret1rs389ss2jch4xjmxv5guru86s8y839nmjsrm5d
AAVE secret1yxwnyk8htvvq25x2z87yj0r5tqpev452fk6h5h
WBTC secret1g7jfnxmxkjgqdts9wlmn238mrzxz5r92zwqv4a
BAC secret1ezg8weaamcr99848qhkqcf2ap5xz7nwe3cy22x
:sparkles:SCRT secret1k0jntykt7e4g3y88ltc60czgjuqdy4c9e8fzek


Troubleshooting Common Problems

  • Help, I can’t see the ETH/ERC-20 I just bridged from Ethereum.

    In Secret, ERC-20s and ETH are secret and are represented by a contracts called SNIP-20 (informally referred to as sTokens). You’ll need a view key to see your balance. Keplr can generate one for by clicking “view balance” on the relevant section on the “earn” page and following the prompts. Alternatively, you can use the “add token” option in Keplr from the top left menu, supplying the matching SNIP-20 contract address.

    If you still don’t see your sTokens, check to make sure Keplr is unlocked, on the correct account, and is switched to the Secret network (defaults to Cosmos). Also check that the transaction is confirmed in your Ethereum wallet, and that it’s not still pending on the bridge.

  • Help, I tried another browser, switched computers, reinstantiated my wallet, or otherwise mangled my view key.

    View keys can always be regenerated. To regenerate your view key in Keplr, open the top left menu in the plugin, and select “token list”. Find the tokens that you’d like to regenerate (for example, those no longer showing your balance), and press the trash icon on them. Then re-add the contracts using the “add token” option and supplying the corresponding sToken contract address.

    It is possible to share view keys between two computers/browsers on the same account. Instead of using the trash icon in the “token list” Keplr menu, use the copy icon. This should only be done from a wallet that is currently showing the proper balances. Use this copied view key in the “advanced” section to supply when adding the contract under “add token” on the other computer.

  • Help, why does my balance for a particular token show NaN?

    It’s likely that your view key was somehow created improperly or changed. Try a hard refresh, check that Keplr is unlocked, and see the question above.

  • Help, I locked funds for Bridge Mining on the Earn page, but now can’t see them anywhere!

    To see locked funds for the Bridge Mining event, it is necessary to add the sToken earning contract. This can be done by visiting the “earn” page, expanding the section for your sToken, and clicking the “view balance” magnifier above the claim button. Keplr will prompt you to to take the steps necessary to add the contract. Alternatively, this contract can be added in Keplr directly by using the “add token” option, and specifying the relevant rewards contract which can be found on a Secret explorer.

  • Help, I claimed my rewards but my SCRT balance didn’t increase

    Rewards are distributed as sSCRT, the sToken incarnation of SCRT. To see your sSCRT, add the sSCRT contract (secret1k0jntykt7e4g3y88ltc60czgjuqdy4c9e8fzek) to Keplr, or visit the sSCRT converter page in Keplr web.

  • Help, I’m trying to lock or unlock funds for Bridge Mining, but nothing happens! I’ve tried several times, I’m wasting gas here!

    The Bridge UI has a float bug at the moment, try using slightly less (0.0000001) than 100%.

  • Help, I accidentally sent tokens to the wrong address.

    Transactions are irreversible, please triple check the details before sending.

  • Help, I want wSCRT, but can’t bridge my SCRT.

    You need to convert your SCRT to sSCRT before using the bridge to issue wSCRT. Visit the sSCRT converter page in Keplr web and convert your SCRT. Be sure to leave a small amount as native SCRT for transaction fees.

  • Help, I still have more questions!
    Please join the Discord for further help.


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