Which ethereum network for generate set-address?

These instructions are unclear on which network we’re meant to be sending our transactions from:

I can’t find any posts detailing whether to use the Kovan testnet or Ethereum mainnet?


Hi Barry,
Step 7 mentions depositing Kovan ETH to the operator address, and that applies to all ethereum txs. This is testnet and currently only Kovan.

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Thanks, a few more issues.

When I run bash start.sh it connects initially, then I keep getting P2P Shutdown before it lets me register:

worker | Debugger listening on ws://
worker | For help, see: https://nodejs.org/en/docs/inspector
worker | [ 2019-12-29 20:58:05,928] [INFO] worker.p2p-startup main:297 – Waiting for node to finish registering…
worker | 2019-12-29T20:58:06Z INFO [P2P-MainController] - Connecting to the Enigma Contract in the following address: 0x8FDbB8BA27d122BE10bfA63B8F0FD2676d083e50
worker | 2019-12-29T20:58:06Z INFO [P2P-MainController] - QmdLF7dQBvUVnKsuGrPmdL1bEYbiNc1K2EYm4QcR6f6bC1 has started
worker | 2019-12-29T20:58:06Z INFO [P2P-MainController] - [+] connected to bootstrap QmWWkYjEKrfxPcW9z3xWVpDh8DrwHZC7GLjkFkBvocUzZT
worker | 2019-12-29T20:58:06Z INFO [P2P-MainController] - [+] connected to bootstrap QmVzK7PgMLbafjVeLtL5QZ4iu1FnM9jPoNWywcWfhg8fJY
worker | 2019-12-29T20:58:06Z INFO [P2P-MainController] - [+] connected to bootstrap QmQzbNA7zX75z8gL1U2uKpRXbapnHogPf2jPCTazHBuoSK
worker | 2019-12-29T20:58:06Z INFO [P2P-MainController] - Management Server: Got notification for register
worker | 2019-12-29T20:58:06Z [CLI] P2P Shutdown successfully

I also just tried to send my transaction to the contract for generate approve and got this error:

Fail with error ‘Not enough tokens allowed for transfer’

I was successfully able to send my initial generate set-address amount to the contract address

Thanks @anon60841010, I thought all testeng had been distributed? When do we expect all ENG holders to receive testeng?


Great thanks I was going insane trying to get this working :smiley:

I’ll keep an eye out for more news in the coming weeks.

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