When will sDYM be available?

We would quite appreciate to know, when sDYM will be possible to use for privacy reasons. sTIA was really quickly available, therefore we hope it will be next week, already. Can anyone give a time estimate?

Hey @GoodHope,
as soon as we have some IBC relayers running between Dymension <> Secret we can get going here, our estimates are that we can launch these relayers today and then quickly create a sDYM token today or tomorrow.

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any news on the progress? Would be really great to have it today.

its already live on dash.scrt.network, no pool on shade yet though

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Unfortunately, I don’t find it there, yet. Not under Assets and not under IBC/Bridge.

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Here is the PR add Dymension, add auto-wrapping for INJ and DYM by SecretSaturn · Pull Request #134 · scrtlabs/dash.scrt.network · GitHub , I’m doing some last modifications to it to support fully auto-wrapping for injective and dymension. Shade protocol team is also informed for the token, so full steam ahead !

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Got this error: Failed sending xxx DYM from Dymension to Secret Network: The number NaN cannot be converted to a BigInt because it is not an integer

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Thanks for reporting the bug, I’ve sent you a DM to discuss this more :slight_smile:

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