SecretNET ist here! 🥳

SecretNET ist here! :partying_face:

Easily build native privacy-preserving Web3 applications with .NET and MAUI on Secret Network for iOS, Android, macOS and Windows with a single codebase (incl. Token and NFT client).

SecretNET Key-Features:

  • Full Port of secret.js
  • Written in .NET 6 including MAUI support.
  • Includes a wallet with secure storage.
  • Supports every possible query, message and transaction type.
  • Handles encryption/decryption for secret contracts.

You can find the SecretNET source code here:

or install the package easily via nuget:

Install-Package SecretNET

Beside the core library, there are also these two additional packages:

SecretNET Token

  • Full Token client providing all methods of SNIP-20 reference implementation.


  • Full NFT client providing all methods of SNIP-721 / 722 reference implementation.

New features such as importing a wallet via Keplr QR, integrating hardware wallets and several sample MAUI applications are planned for the future.

It would be great if you could spread the news:


Amazing @Codemonkey. Thank you for building a .NET client for Secret Network!!