Insufficient Funds when staking with keplr on osmosis

I’m new here, “Hey, Everybody!”

I didn’t set my osmosis account up originally and I am having some troubles carrying out some of its actions. No matter how much money that I trade into the Secret account it still shows a 0 balance when I go to stake. What could I be doing wrong. I am using the Keplr wallet to transfer by the way. I’ve read the other answers on this specific subject but they don’t quite hit the nail on the head with the answer that I need. Thank you so much for any answers provided.

are you talking about osmosis or secret wallet? if secret where did you transfer your scrt in from?


I’m talking about Osmosis.

are you on discord or telegram? if yes please find me there. same username

do you see scrt on the asset page in osmosis? could you check your wallet on and see if the IBC transfers were successful?

Nah, Im on neither one of those platforms. I have some secret staked. Theres just not any above in the available balance.