Initiating Discussion on the Secret Express 3rd Gen Hardware Initiative for 2024

Dear Community Members,

I am reaching out to share insights and affirm my commitment towards the 3rd Gen Hardware Initiative, set for implementation in 2024 along side SCRT Labs support for DCAP. This communication is intended to uphold transparency and the original commitments made with stakeholders.

Relation to the API Team

The API Team is something I intend to continue participating in during the gap between 3rd gen support, since the original plan regarding 3rd gen hardware involved myself and Mohammed but the hardware was yet to be supported, I merely do the best I can in the time between. My transition away from the API team, and to Secret Express becoming a 3rd Gen powered API is scheduled to take effect upon the successful integration of third-generation hardware support, as anticipated by SCRT Labs in early 2024. This decision has been shaped primarily by abiding by the original agreement, my assessment tells me the community is best served by getting the most affordable offering for the service on a rolling basis and this strategy can achieve an affordability better than the approach taken by the API team.

For your reference, the original proposals can be reviewed here:

Proposal 56

Proposal 47

Use of 3rd Generation Hardware

Thus far the hardware that has been in my possession has been used for the benefit of Secret, and once DCAP and 3rd Gen hardware works for running secret nodes, I’m committed to offering equipment under terms that are equally favorable per node cost wise, if not more so, to Secret as per the prior connected proposals offered. This includes a potential collaboration with Mohammed from Shade, subject to their interest in abiding by original terms. In the event that Shade opts out, I will independently provide these services. The pricing strategy will be exclusively crafted to cover costs, with initial projections indicating 50% lower costs per node compared to those currently incurred by the API team. However, these rates may be adjusted based on density evaluations, overhead costs at the time, and any other valid cost considerations.

Scope of Services and Technical Offerings

Scope of a future proposal will primarily cover the provision of (discounted) 3rd Gen hardware nodes. Nonetheless, all crucial technical features associated with the API, such as reporting tools, auto-healing, auto repair functionalities (currently in beta), and intelligent caching (also in beta), will remain accessible and working. No compensation is planned for anything other than node count, and cost per node will exclusively focus on covering costs.

Invitation for Constructive Dialogue

I invite and value any constructive feedback from the community. I am open to discussing these plans during Governance calls over the coming months, ensuring an inclusive and comprehensive dialogue before moving from discussion to the formal proposal stage.

Thank you for your ongoing support and collaborative spirit.


Node Papi

Spartan Hardware recipient & Secret Express Creator


In response to requests, I’m sharing Proposal 35, the precursor to the Spartan Hardware initiative which was initially offered under Infrastructure Committee Proposals A and then B. Future Spartan Hardware related proposals will exclusively cover node provisioning costs, with additional services like wiki support and quicksync now managed by other parties, unless feedback pushes for expanded scope on mutually agreeable terms. I invite further discussion during upcoming Governance calls.

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Supported. API team will run until we got this much better and more cost effective.

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I will add that we will continue to support the api initiative for third gen hardware as part of the intial proposal. Despite being in sidelines as the focus for me has been with Shade, we will host public endpoints with the continued community support to integrate with the current public api.

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Thanks for adding to this @mohammedpatla

My understanding is as long as you abide by the original provision related to the initial Infrastructure committee charter as I have, then you’re good. In my case scope modifications moved my responsibilities to being carried out over to new proposals such as API proposals following the Infrastructure B proposal.

“Secret Infrastructure brings scope modifications and requests for funding to other committee leads first for review, then to the forums, then directly to the chain.”

After initially giving my support for @thenodefather 's ideas, there is absolutely no way I can support it given his unacceptable behavior in the API proposal and his behavior with the community in general.

This will be a NWV if he tried to lead any of this or goes on chain with it.

@mohammedpatla and Secure Secret should lead the way here.

I have said in numerous places that my future contributions depend on community buy in and that I will respect any community desire not to fund me. This can be determined easier if at least a poll is done, so I’d like to request @pmuecke create a poll to gauge if the community wants to do business with me in regards to the 3rd gen secret express inititive. If the answer is no, I vow to respect that decision, if the answer is yes then my prior statements in this thread are all applicable.