Governance Meeting Notes Mega-Thread


  • Next week will be our first ‘major’ Monthly Governance Meeting on Wednesday January 26th from 16h00 - 17h00 UTC. All parties involved or interested in SCRT Governance are invited and encouraged to join!
  • The best moment to consider increasing the MaxValidator parameter would probably be after the next hardfork.Depending on performance improvements, 100 might be in the cards. For now 70 seems good.
  • The idea of a minimum validator commision was raised again by one of the validators in the 2021-Q4 Validator Survey. One of the main advantages seems to be that it would shift competition on the basis of higher returns to competition on the basis of added value. One of the main disadvantages would be that new validators have less ways to set themselves apart. A new discussion thread has been created on the forums and welcome everyone’s thoughts and discussions.

Action Points

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