Hi everyone,
For our end of June update, I’ve made a lot of progress on the development of a functional UI for the Fardels contract. As I’ve been building it, I have also made some updates to the contract as I go. Once I have the contract in what I think is a reasonably stable version, then I will put it up on the holodeck testnet and create a public alpha version of the site so that people can start providing feedback. I anticipate that will be in the next couple of weeks. From that point UI development will continue, as well as beginning the implementation of the off-chain index of public content to enable search functionality.
In addition to basic functionality described in the grant to create user profiles, adding content, browsing other users’ content, unpacking content (from other users), commenting and rating content, I am pleased to say I’ve already implemented functionality that integrates IPFS. With access to an IPFS node (e.g. running on the local machine), a user can now create a fardel where a file is automatically encrypted using AES-256 (utilizing OpenPGP.js) and pinned to IPFS. The passphrase is stored with the fardel on secret network, so when it is unpacked we can automatically decrypt the file from IPFS. Currently it simply allows for the file to be downloaded, but over time the plan is to integrate different interfaces based on the file format, e.g. a media file can be played directly after being decrypted.