(Community Pool Proposal) Keplr - Secret Network Integration

Community Pool Spend Proposal: Secret Network - Keplr Wallet Integration


Proposer: Chainapsis Inc.
Amount requested: 200,000 SCRT
Timeline: End of October (Assuming dependencies are ready)

  1. Ledger integration
  2. Secret contracts integration
  3. Secret 20 token transaction
  4. SecretJS signing


We believe that Secret Network is at a momentous phase as it nears the upgrade that realizes its vision of providing privacy solutions to smart contracts and blockchains. The deliverables of this community pool spend will provide the critical infrastructure that’s needed to significantly improve developer experience and user experience to allow high-value applications to be built.


The fundamental value proposition of Secret Network comes from its unique ability to provide secure, private and efficient computation utilizing the trusted execution environment of Secret nodes.

The first major step to this vision is enabling secret smart contracts, where the content of user interactions with smart contracts are not visible as public information. Secret smart contracts builds its privacy solution on top of the CosmWasm architecture which allows smart contracts to be written in Rust, and provides a safe and efficient way to build and interact with decentralized applications. The additional layer of privacy that Secret Network provides on top of CosmWasm opens the door for decentralized application where user sensitive user data may be required.

However, the success of decentralized applications don’t only depend on the core module of Secret contracts. It is necessary that tooling and infrastructure that allows: 1. Developers to build, test, and deploy their applications and 2. Users to easily interact with applications exists for a vibrant ecosystem to be built.

Keplr was developed from the ground up to support application specific transactions beyond staking and token transfers. We believe that a high-quality signing interface is critical in bootstrapping a vibrant ecosystem of dApp developers and users.


Target completion date: End of October
Provide Ledger hardware wallet support via Keplr

  • Allow Ledger hardware wallet users to securely store assets
  • Allow creating and managing an arbitrary number of BIP44 path-based hierarchical deterministic accounts
  • Design and develop front-end interface for browser extension and webpage

Native support for SecretJS based transaction signing

  • Provide a MetaMask-like experience of being able to sign interactions with smart contracts for the Secret Network
  • Utilize SecretJS for transaction signing to compatibility and transaction signing standardization
  • Allow users to sign Secret Network-specific transaction messages to interact with smart contracts on Ledger hardware wallets

Secret20 token transaction integration

  • Allow users to store and send privacy-preserving tokens issued on the Secret Network.
  • Architect a user flow that allows seamless Secret20 token management, transfers
  • Design and develop front-end interface for browser extension and webpage

Generalized Secret contract interaction/transaction integration

  • Design and develop an interface for Secret contract-specific message signing
  • Provide examples of how to integrate Keplr wallet signing to web-interfaces for dApps


In order to provide oversight on the delivery of this contract, we propose that the payment is sent to an account controlled by the Enigma team which is SCRTAddressToBeAdded. The Enigma team will provide oversight on the progress of the milestones, and release payments according to successful completion of the deliverables.


Hello Secret community!

First of all, the Chainapsis team would like to give you a big round of gratitude for the love the Secret community has shown us. As a small team of passionate Cosmonauts, we were absolutely blown away by the passion and energy that you guys welcomed us with.

Wanted to share an initial draft of the on-chain community pool spend proposal we want to move forward with regarding the integration of Keplr wallet with Secret Network. We value transparency and honesty, so I’d love to answer any questions you may have and address feedback to the best of my ability. This is a major first-step for us to closely align ourselves with the success of Secret Network, and want the final proposal to reflect the voice of the community.

Thank you, and I look forward to your feedback!


A warm welcome to Chainapsis team and a big thank you for the Keplr integration work to date!

Personally (not on behalf of Enigma or the Secret Network), I am behind this proposal. Wallet support for secret contracts is absolutely essential for acceptable UX and adoption of Secret Network. If we force users to interact with the secret network thru cli, participation in the ecosystem we are building will be limited.

It would be great to open this thread for at least a week to get community feedback


Welcome Josh and Chainapisis team!

Love the proposal

Thank you for joining the Secret Ecosystem!!


This proposal seems good and like it will help bring about adoption.

Are there plans to add a simple voting interface for both governance and dapp Integration?

As far as ledger interface are you talking about creating a ledger live app? Or will SCRT still have to be stored on the cosmos wallet and only be seen with specific interfaces?


I agree in the need of having a metamask-like experience on Secret Network and the Keplr wallet is already a very good product.

There are clear deliverables established and I agree with the proposed payment format, and funding. Great proposal.

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As far as i understand it interacts with the Ledger Live, but is not a BOLOS (Ledger Live) app. They are talking about interacting with the Cosmos App.
I am looking to build a separate proposal for that in the coming weeks.

Looks good @josh-chainapsis !!

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Community Pool Spend Proposal: Secret Network - Keplr Wallet Integration


Proposer: Chainapsis Inc.
Amount requested: 200,000 SCRT
Timeline: End of October (Assuming dependencies are ready)

  1. Ledger integration
  2. Secret contracts integration
  3. Secret 20 token transaction
  4. SecretJS signing


We believe that Secret Network is at a momentous phase as it nears the upgrade that realizes its vision of providing privacy solutions to smart contracts and blockchains. The deliverables of this community pool spend will provide the critical infrastructure that’s needed to significantly improve developer experience and user experience to allow high-value applications to be built.


The fundamental value proposition of Secret Network comes from its unique ability to provide secure, private and efficient computation utilizing the trusted execution environment of Secret nodes.

The first major step to this vision is enabling secret smart contracts, where the content of user interactions with smart contracts are not visible as public information. Secret smart contracts builds its privacy solution on top of the CosmWasm architecture which allows smart contracts to be written in Rust, and provides a safe and efficient way to build and interact with decentralized applications. The additional layer of privacy that Secret Network provides on top of CosmWasm opens the door for decentralized application where user sensitive user data may be required.

However, the success of decentralized applications don’t only depend on the core module of Secret contracts. It is necessary that tooling and infrastructure that allows: 1. Developers to build, test, and deploy their applications and 2. Users to easily interact with applications exists for a vibrant ecosystem to be built.

Keplr was developed from the ground up to support application specific transactions beyond staking and token transfers. We believe that a high-quality signing interface is critical in bootstrapping a vibrant ecosystem of dApp developers and users.


Target completion date: End of October

Milestone 1
Provide Ledger hardware wallet support via Keplr

  • Allow Ledger hardware wallet users to securely store assets
  • Allow creating and managing an arbitrary number of BIP44 path-based hierarchical deterministic accounts
  • Design and develop front-end interface for browser extension and webpage

Transaction support for SecretJS based transaction signing for Secret Web Assembly Contracts

  • Provide a MetaMask-like experience of being able to sign interactions with smart contracts on the Secret Network
  • Utilize SecretJS for transaction signing to compatibility and transaction signing standardization
  • Allow users to sign Secret Network-specific transaction messages to interact with smart contracts on Ledger hardware wallets

Milestone 2
Secret20 token transaction integration

  • Allow users to store and send privacy-preserving tokens issued on the Secret Network.
  • Architect a user flow that allows seamless Secret20 token management, transfers
  • Design and develop front-end interface for browser extension and webpage

Generalized Secret contract interaction interface development

  • Design and develop an interface for Secret contract-specific message signing
  • Provide examples of how to integrate Keplr wallet signing to web-interfaces for dApps


In order to provide oversight on the delivery of this contract, we propose that the payment is sent to an account controlled by the Enigma team which is secret14gel9c2w7dx6mmffx8lcpr7hx2qqdg0ne7fv27. The Enigma team will provide oversight on the progress and completion of the deliverables, and release payments according to successful completion of the deliverables.

Payment will be made in three installments of the following schedule:

  • 1/3 of the total amount upon community pool spend governance proposal passing.
  • 1/3 of the total amount upon completion of milestone 1
  • 1/3 of the total amount upon completion of milestone 2

Hi everybody, first of all, thank you all greatly for your feedback and a very warm welcome to the Secret community. I can’t wait to deliver on these key features that I believe can kickstart the growth of Secret Network. As a matter of fact, Chainapsis has begun the work on some of the deliverables (i.e. Ledger integration (https://github.com/chainapsis/keplr-extension/issues/25) to make sure we deliver it in time.

We have gone ahead and submitted the on-chain community pool spend proposal for stakeholder governance.

  • Cashmaney: https://explorer.cashmaney.com/proposals/19
  • Puzzle: https://puzzle.report/secret/chains/secret-1/governance/proposals/19

Please find the link to the full ipfs-hosted proposal here.

Onwards and upwards :rocket:


To clarify future work on operational maintenance for wallets beyond feature additions mentioned in the proposal:

I want to clarify that the team is committed to continuing the maintenance work required to support Secret Network in the long term. We have been very careful in adding support for new blockchains to ensure that the quality of service Keplr provides remains high for all users. Unless there is a point where the company can’t sustain itself financially, Secret Network support will remain a core functionality of Keplr wallet.