Governance Meeting Notes Mega-Thread


  • The Shockwave Omega upgrade is scheduled for December 13th, and will include wasm3 to improve the tps and gas efficiency.
  • The API nodes resulting from the API proposal will likely not come online before the Shockwave Omega upgrade.
  • It is likely that the proposals to the Community Pool will be judged more strictly by the community and validators due to the bear market. The gov calls are available as always to get an idea of the enthusiasm of the community and validators to your proposal.
  • Some feel that L1 incentive dApp applicants should launch their dApp on mainnet before submitting a proposal on-chain. A soft-launch may be enough for some people, but not everyone.
  • A proposal to update and extend the SNIP-1155 reference implementation will be placed on the forums in the next week, this proposal aims to update the reference implementation to cw1.0, implement modularization similar to cw plus, and integrate it into secretjs. Additionally, IBC integration could be included in the proposal if the community would like that.
  • This was the last Governance call on a Wednesday, starting next week we will move to Mondays at 16h00 UTC (Dec 5th, one hour later than now).

Action Points

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