Governance Meeting Notes Mega-Thread


  • The Shockwave Alpha upgrade has been delayed by two weeks to May 11th due to additional testing of the new upgrade module.
  • Increasing the active set by 10 should not have a large negative effect on network stability. If anything causes a downturn in network performance it will likely not matter if we have 70 or 80 validators in the active set. The delay of the upgrade also allows us to determine the effect of this change without being influenced by an upgrade.
  • The community will gather their wishes and a proposed timeline regarding SF scope and legal structure modifications in a document in preparation of next week’s Governance call. A draft can be found in the governance channel on Discord.
  • Clarity was given on the current SF legal structure and its origins. Scope and transparency discussions are orthogonal and can happen in parallel. An updated scope is necessary to determine a budget and as a result a suitable SF tax level. The solution space should not be limited, perhaps creating a new 3rd NPO entity is the best solution. Clear timelines can be set around an audit, an NPO switch is more complicated due to legal implications.
  • The 2021-Q4 Secret Foundation Transparency Report is now publicly available: SF Q4 Transparency Report (Presented Q1 2022)

Action Points

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