- The SF 2021 Q3 TR is now available: Secret Foundation Q3 Transparency Report
- Signalling proposal 67 aims to reduce fees ~20x. This is a non-binding proposal and the ‘high’ fee would probably need to remain at its current amount to allow validators that don’t change to continue proposing blocks.
- As a result of spend proposals changing from SCRT to USD as base denomination, a drop of more than 10% in value of their ask (excluding volatility buffer) at the end of voting was suggested to be allowed back on-chain for a small proposal to make up the difference. In case of committees and other time-based proposals an alternative solution could be to reduce the funding period by that percentage. In case of the education committee this would most likely result in the next proposal going on-chain 7 to 10 days earlier. If you have strong feelings either way, please leave your feedback on the forums (Education Committee Funding Proposal (Dec 21 - Feb 22)).
- Increasing decentralization is a continued point of attention, the Shade snapshots had a noticeable positive effect. As Secret Network grows decentralization will most likely also improve. Staking derivatives, different rankings, and a new system for team delegations could all help improve decentralization.
Action Points
- Cast your votes on proposal #67 https://secretnodes.com/secret/chains/secret-4/governance/
- Do you have questions for SF regarding the Q3 TR? Ask them in the forum thread: Secret Foundation Q3 Transparency Report