Governance Meeting Notes Mega-Thread

Abstract (2021-09-15)

  • ‘Upgrade’ to secret-3 was briefly summarized by Carter, the best and most complete explanations can be found in the pinned posts on Discord and Telegram:
  • Incentivizing new / small validators was brought up by Schultzie (lavender.five). This might be a good time for Enigma to reevaluate their staking strategy with everything that has happened in the past 2 days, and those that have stepped up during that time. Schultzie will create a forum thread to discuss the topic further. (How to Incentivize new Validator nodes)
  • The governance committee will look into starting monthly decentralization reports, more to come in the upcoming weeks.
  • As the IBC upgrade gets closer it may be a good time to start the discussion / research into a new maxValidator amount again.

Action points:


Full Notes: