Getting new Delegators to my Validator

Hello Secret Community,

I am here trying to get community feedback on what delegators (bag holder) are looking for in Validators.
I have set up my Validator on the network since the documentation for it was up for setting up.
Although I was only ever been able to put a big enough stake after the swap I have been learning to maintain and keep up with the network updates and upgrades.

I had initially considered to just delegate to some of the bigger Validators, but SCRT network in my opinion needs more validators at this point as the top-5 take-up and own the network at this point, which is not a good idea for decentralized projects (Provided the SWAP just started). Hence i have help on to my own validator and would like to keep so.

Currently, I am using a VPS solution from Vultr, and I find it extremely comfortable and reliable. Also, they have options to scale if needed by the validator.

The cost of validator/node goes for me (for now), but I am looking at the secret-contract upgrade in September that may require me to increase my network capacity and incur more cost. Unless people are willing to delegate on my validator. Hence i would like to here community feedback on what would attract delegators to my validator.

Validator - SecureSecrets☄
Discord -
SCRT love - secret1rfnmcuwzf3zn7r025j9zr3ncc7mt9ge5tcsd5h

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I think you have to have reliable uptime / no-jailing such that people can trust you with their SCRT.

Participating in governance or generally in the community is also a plus. Maybe you can add your moniker to your accounts in secret network so that people know who you are :slight_smile: