Etcommon-rlp compile issue when running Enigma network

Hi, I started running into an issue with the enigma docker setup when I followed Adi’s instructions to rebuild the docker containers here: How to calculate average of some numbers in the secret contract of Enigma?. When I run docker-compose build --no-cache, I see this error:

  Compiling etcommon-rlp v0.2.4
error[E0432]: unresolved import `alloc::collections`
  --> /root/.cargo/registry/src/
10 | #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] use alloc::collections::{BTreeMap as Map};
   |                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^ Could not find `collections` in `alloc`

error: aborting due to previous error

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0432`.
error: Could not compile `etcommon-rlp`.
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: build failed
Makefile:16: recipe for target 'libenclave.a' failed
make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/enigma-core/enigma-core/enclave'
make[1]: *** [libenclave.a] Error 101
make: *** [enclave] Error 2
Makefile:137: recipe for target 'enclave' failed

**** This is a known error. Ignore for now. Will succeed upon retry ***

I know it says it will succeed upon retry, and the build continues and completes successfully. However. when I do ./launch.bash -s -t, I see the error come up again in enigma core, and the service stops running:

core_1      |     Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 6.61 secs
core_1      | Cargo  =>  bin/app
core_1      | mkdir -p ./bin
core_1      | cp ./app/target/release/enigma-core-app ./bin/enigma-core-app
core_1      | make -C ./enclave/
core_1      | make[1]: Entering directory '/root/enigma-core/enigma-core/enclave'
core_1      | cargo build --release
core_1      |    Compiling etcommon-rlp v0.2.4
core_1      |    Compiling rustc_version v0.2.3
core_1      | error[E0432]: unresolved import `alloc::collections`
core_1      |   --> /root/.cargo/registry/src/
core_1      |    |
core_1      | 10 | #[cfg(not(feature = "std"))] use alloc::collections::{BTreeMap as Map};
core_1      |    |                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^ Could not find `collections` in `alloc`
core_1      |
core_1      | error: aborting due to previous error
core_1      |
core_1      | For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0432`.
core_1      | error: Could not compile `etcommon-rlp`.
core_1      | warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
core_1      | error: build failed
core_1      | Makefile:16: recipe for target 'libenclave.a' failed
core_1      | make[1]: *** [libenclave.a] Error 101
core_1      | make[1]: Leaving directory '/root/enigma-core/enigma-core/enclave'
core_1      | Makefile:137: recipe for target 'enclave' failed
core_1      | make: *** [enclave] Error 2
core_1      | [+] Home dir is /root
core_1      | [+] Home dir is /root
core_1      | [+] Created new .enigma folder => "/root/.enigma"
core_1      | [-] Open token file /root/.enigma/enclave.token error! Will create one.
core_1      | [-] Init Enclave Failed SGX_ERROR_ENCLAVE_FILE_ACCESS!
core_1      | root@enigma_core_1:~# aesm_service[119]: SGX Service unavailable
core_1      | aesm_service[119]: Fail to start service.

I would appreciate some advice on how to work around this issue.

Hi @crypto_mentions, thanks for pointing this out. A dependency got upgraded, which is throwing this error now. @elichai2 is working to resolve it now, and will post an update soon.

Yep, So one of the dependencies that we’re using got updated and doesn’t support out rust compiler version.
I fixed this by forcing it to use the previous version (nothing related to us was changed)
I merged the change here:
And i’m releasing a new version 0.1.5

@crypto_mentions just to clarify, there is nothing special you have to do now. Just rebuild the source again with docker-compose build --no-cache (which will pull the newest source that @elichai2 fixed) and run again ./launch.bash -s -t, which will not error out this time. I just tried it, and it worked fine for me.

Thank you Elichai and Victor! The Enigma containers are now being brought up successfully.

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