December 23rd/26th --> December 30th+ Mainnet Upgrade Date Shift Request

Greetings community,

Currently, the target dates for a Secret Network mainnet upgrade is targeting either December 23rd or December 26th (rumor has it). Because of Christmas holidays in the United States, key Shade dev contributors will be largely offline between December 23rd - December 27th. While we have tested the upgrade on testnet, shipping to production tends to have unforeseen impacts; that is generally just a standard fact of actually shipping something.

To protect the user experience of the 4,100 monthly active users of Shade Protocol (which makes up a good chunk of DAUs of Secret) we would recommend pushing the upgrade beyond the holiday week into the following (December 30th & onwards) so we would be best positioned to service users.

If this is not possible, we will of course still respect and support the decision of the network to upgrade during the holiday week. Just wanted to vocalize this potential (avoidable) risk and our preference for a slightly later upgrade date.

Carter W. (Shade Researcher)


We don’t have objections to delaying, but we will have to delay to the week of Jan 5th. Some of the Labs team members are mostly off on Dec31 - Jan 2nd.