Proposal for the Restructuring of the Secret Foundation (UPDATED 2.2.23)

Does this mean you will not respect such request if the community will agree on it through a governance proposal?


Ill be honest and say i am not sure he can, atleast not without budgeting for covering any liabilities the foundation has including tax.

So lets not make that jump as i dont see Tor stating here that he WONT help a good transition of the money.

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Curious how much Labs delegated to you and how much that’s influencing your decision to light the charter on fire?

I believe you were was asked in prop 103 and prior, to provide a list of pros and cons from your own research on why you cannot be an NPO that would have addressed a lot of your own questions. You have yet to do this, but are you willing to now? It would go a long way in showing good faith intentions here.


Welcome to the forums MurMo, haven’t seen you around before but please be aware we value all opinions here. So please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts.

Regarding your question, you (and anyone else) can easily check any of the explorers to find the exact answer to that question. My opinions have never been influenced by SCRT Labs or anyone else. SCRT Labs specifically has also never tried to influence me in any way (that I am aware of at least). My suggestion to reduce the discussion period on this proposal to 3 days specifically came from my opinion that it is of the utmost importance to quickly agree to the goals we want to achieve in the next months. Nothing in this thread so far has indicated to me that the proposal as it is currently formulated needs to change before it goes to the chain for voting. Of course my voice is not law, we are a decentralized network after all, so what happens in the end depends on the community’s opinion and preference (including your own).


I 100% support this and believe this is the best way forward for the network and community members, given Tor’s actions, lack of transparency and what appear to be tactics … I’m not comfortable with.

He seems to be trying to control the path forward and dictate how and under what circumstances he’ll allow the transition to an NPO, which isn’t sitting well with me personally.

@tor it’s just too late to be the leader on this. You’ve had so much time to address the questions you’ve posted, while you had the trust of the majority of the community, and yet you stalled and dragged your feet for over 2 years.


Ahh duh that is right thank you!

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So you’re accepting money from them but it’s totally not influencing you at all, even though you’re violating the charter you routinely reference.

Got it.

Thanks for making it clear that secret governance is solely controlled by labs

Me personally and I think all of us agree that a change needs to be made. I believe that the proposal suggests some necessary adjustments to be made due to the last events.
I do think that we all need to ask all of our questions and expect answers but we need to be focused and target driven and refrain from discussing unurgent topics at this point in time.
The changes that are suggested in the proposal are changes that will benefit the network and us, as stakeholders. We need to take into consideration that time is a factor here, and actions need to be done.


I’m not sure how I can further clarify my thoughts beyond my previous post. Feel free to join the next Governance call on monday at 4PM UTC (10AM Chicago time), we can further discuss your thoughts there.


I just want to point out that I think some of Tor’s questions do need some immediate answers, so jumping back with “why dont you answer them?” doesnt contribute much. Plus, some of those Qs cant be answered by him really lol.

I don’t see a point in talking about things like scope today, but many of the questions presented are operations/setup related and we need to have those answers ready as it impacts the existing employees.

Shocked at the lack of self awareness to ask these questions on a public forum. These arent serious questions. This is throwing sand in the gears. Tor was paid, by himself, quite handsomely to answer these questions over the past two years. This only shows that he never took that task seriously. I consider this acting in bad faith. Having been the one person on network whos role it was to consider the transition and behaving in this manner.


Why? You already made it clear you’re compromised. All I need to know.

  1. Although we all want a fast resolution, i dont see why we have to force this proposal to chain as it will always be non-binding. We need buyin from Tor and answering some of the largest questions and thereby making actual steps towards getting the funds in control of the community is the best way forward imo.
  2. Lets stop acting like winners here, nothing has been won yet. there is a long road ahead of us and there are many things the community can do in the interim like: Select a trustee, investigate NPO structures around the world and in the US, investigate potential transitions the current foundation can do, iron out the scope of the new entity etc.

Ill be answering later today with a first step to some of the questions from Tor. I hope that with more clarity Tor can actually make statements of intent regarding the funds instead of endangering his current org and the employees which is clearly valuable to him and should also be to us. Although the foundation has to change Tor has always contributed here and is seen as the face of the network by many, burning that to the ground wont benefit us. making a better org with active contributions by all of us Will.

Edit: it doesnt matter that the questions Tor asked were not answered in the past, they need to be answered right no and we can help.

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It would be helpful to know:

  1. How the current Foundation is structured
  2. Is there a foundation charter or articles that can be reviewed?
  3. What are the purposes set out for the current foundation?
  4. Who are the board and who are the team? Is there any separation?

This seems objectively false as it was a directive he had communicated they were working on, as recently as a year ago.


Cool, I definitely support the restructure of the foundation, I don’t really like the form anyway.
If we really want to avoid any problems, wouldn’t it make sense to create a DAO concept? ( at least for treasury management )

Personally I would like a dynamic Senate based DAO where SCRT stakeholders would delegate a vote and e.g. the top 5 people would be senators ( basically a dPoS DAO edition xd )


When the guy with the least answers is asking the most questions, clearly intended only to create friction in moving forward, one must cast doubt on his intentions towards the process as a whole. Tor is no longer in a position to shepherd this transition with the goal of “growing the network and supporting its members” because he was trusted with such responsibility in the past and disappointed the community.

For this reason, as Guy, Laura and others alluded to, his input is mostly irrelevant at this point.

On another note, a concerted marketing/PR effort needs to be assembled to clear up the FUD (still) building. Next thing Jacob will be coming back to the topic, bringing further attention to it, or one of the YouTubers will pick it up, if they haven’t already started an episode on this. As mentioned earlier, “there is a bad smell in all of this. And if it smells like a duck… that’s all the market needs to know.”

Time is of the essence here folks. Mook’s right, we need to put this up for voting ASAP. I’d say 24 hours even.


The videos are already

Personally I don’t think there is any need to rush the restructuring, the proposal that reduces the SCRT Foundation Tax to 0% is already out ( proposal #127 )

The worst is over, now we need to not panic and come to a reasonable solution, just because Guy discussed something internally doesn’t mean it’s the ideal solution ( although the structure looks much better than the previous one ), and it certainly doesn’t mean it needs to be implemented within 24h.

The redirection of taxes to SCRT Agency and Terra funds is ready to work for 3 months, and even though it is only a temporary solution there is no hurry.

What I agree with you on is the need to prevent more FUD, that is 100% clear.

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You wrote how I feel .