2023-Q2 Secret Network Charter & Code of Conduct

Hi everyone,

It has been a bit more than a year since we passed our current Secret Network Charter & Code of Conduct in proposal #81 (Interchain Explorer by Cosmostation). Since then we have discussed the contents thereof on many occasions and it has been part of every Validator Survey since. Support remains strong although more validators are neutral towards it than when initially passed. As such it is a good time to update it and this draft aims to do that:

Changes have occured related to the buffer (5% instead of 10%), the secondary proposal threshold (15% instead of 10%), in addtion to several new Sections being added. Specifically regarding the Code of Conduct it seems that a majority of the community would prefer to keep it light and solve issues on a case by case basis. Nonetheless, this draft contains some additional language related to the order of escalation for channel moderators.

Any and all feedback is appreciated! In principle this will be submitted on-chain as a single signaling proposal, however if the community would prefer to vote on individual paragraphs, or the Charter and Code of Conduct seperately, please say so below. In principle, a forum discussion period of 14 days will be observed before moving on-chain for voting.


Currently in voting as proposal #244: Interchain Explorer by Cosmostation