Secret Network V1.7 - Upgrade 01/03/2023

SCRT Labs has pushed a proposal on-chain to update the network to V1.7 ( Below you will find the release notes for this upgrade.

if anyone has feedback or questions about this upgrade, please comment those here

Secret Network 1.7 Release Notes - Target Date - 1.3 (1st of March)

New Features

  • Added the ability to rotate consensus seed during a network upgrade - this will be executed during this update
  • Added expedited gov proposals - this allows for special proposals that can be voted on in 24 hours for emergencies
  • Added auto-restaking - this is a feature that enables automatic compounding of staking rewards
  • Added light-client validation for blocks - this protects against forking attacks, as well as enables trusted block heights and block time to be relied on by contracts

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed OSX Ledger disconnection issues in secretcli
  • Fixed /cosmos/base/node/v1beta1/config
  • Fixed an issue when sending multiple message types in the same tx
  • Fixed an issue with the IBC controller module

Breaking Changes

*** Mandatory secret.js update (non-API breaking) ***

The tx encryption key format has changed, requiring an update of secret.js. After the upgrade goes live, secret.js will require an update to one of the following versions to continue to function:

v1.5.x, v1.6.x → v1.7.x
v1.4.x → v1.4.6
v0.17.8 - can still be used

This update should be a simple version bump that will not change any existing APIs, and will not break functionality.
In order to test this version, secret.js 1.7.1-beta3 is available for testing on Pulsar-2, which is already on the 1.7 update.

Side note: This update will not affect Keplr


  • Ubuntu 18.04 is no longer supported in this version. Please update to Ubuntu 20.04 or 22.04 for continued support
  • To ensure a smooth upgrade process, please verify that all nodes are running on patched and updated hardware prior to the upgrade. To do so, please use the check-hw tool found here: Release v1.6.1 · scrtlabs/SecretNetwork · GitHub