With the upcoming launch of ShadeX – Shade Protocol’s Money Market, we are requesting a network parameter adjustment to facilitate deploying our contracts to mainnet.
Proposed Parameter Change
Current:compile_cost = 0.8
Proposed:compile_cost = 0.4
This adjustment will allow us to deploy contracts on-chain with the existing block gas constraints. A similar proposal was successfully implemented on testnet without any notable issues:
This functionality was developed in 1.15 specifically to make sure that large contracts can be deployed even with lower gas limit.
And, in order to prevent the risk of spamming the network, there is an additional safeguard - the maximum deployable contract size is set to 2MB (it’s also a parameter and can be updated if needed).
So, I don’t see any issue in keeping this at 0.4 indefinitely.
I am actually happy that this new gov parameter is now put to use, and helps us keep deploying contracts while keeping the max_gas at 5M