Governance Meeting Notes Mega-Thread

Abstract 2023/10/30

  • The Secret Ledger App Audit proposal will move to the community pool, without the development hours for Saturn Alex. Payment to the audit company needs to be made by wire transfer, looking into the best way to do this, potentially through SNF or Shade.
  • The DAODAO team has answered all the community questions, please respond on the forums if you have further questions. If not, the proposal will likely go on-chain on Thursday or Friday.
  • The Open Source Funding Policy is aimed to create open source code with a permissive license by projects funded by the community pool and potentially also grants. SCRT Labs will overhaul their grants policy in the next months and likely also include an Open Source section there.
  • The API proposal has been amended, immediately reducing the funded nodes to 27 and reducing to three providers. Taariq, Saturn, and Ian will each provide 9 nodes going forward. Ian is stepping down as co-lead so Saturn Alex will be solely leading this proposal going forward.
  • There is vSCRT left from the Surge rewards, in collaboration with SCRT Labs the remaining funds will likely be used for Secret Ethereum rewards on Shade. This will be evaluated on a week-by-week basis by SCRT Labs.
  • Early next year SCRT Labs will investigate a tokenomics overhaul, mainly focusing on inflation. Things like the number of validators and a potential SNF tax may be included as well. SCRT Labs would like a clear view of the pros and cons of reducing inflation and better understand it. This will include several scenarios and their effects on for example network security and validators’ bottom line.
  • SCRT Labs is starting their annual delegation review in the next weeks, which will also serve as input for the inflation discussion and getting a better idea what their value and economic parameters are.

Action Points

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