[CCBL] Domain Name System - Secret DNS

We are currently running a private test. A public test will be available soon. Yes you can access websites that use SDNS on any normal browser


Cool, Iā€™m looking forward to it, I have a few ideas for the infrastructure around SDNS, anyway Iā€™ll wait for the final product :slight_smile:

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Today it came up that Digiline wants more money before releasing on mainnet, so it seems important to remember what was initially promised: an MVP and open source contract code upon completion.

Anything short of that is violating the initial commitment, so you shouldnā€™t ask for more money until you release a ā€œviableā€ product on mainnet.

Hopefully when you do that things wont devolve into an argument on what the V in MVP entails.


It seems like this boils down to the differences (and maybe a misunderstanding) between a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and a Minimum Marketable Product (MMP).

There is definitely an argument to be made for having a functioning beta version of SecretDNS/Dibs fulfilling the requirements of delivering an MVP as outlined in the initial proposal. There is a software prototype delivered (a type of MVP)+ a set of demo/explainer videos (a type of MVP) of the product, its use case, and market.

My company (Sisu Stake) has been working with the Dibs team to produce some marketing content and demo videos to help bolster the project at its early stages.

We did receive 10K of the funding for this effort and have invested resources far exceeding what we received in exchange for our work (still a large part of this work is unreleased to the public).

From my perspective, having been working with the team at Digiline, the funding request is to bring the project to the next stage of a Minimum Marketable Product (MMP) BEFORE officially launching on Mainnet ā€“ which is the point of contention between my company, the Secret community, and Digilineā€¦

IMO the project contracts can be launched on Mainnet at any time without any sort of beautiful frontend UI and function as expected (thanks to the hard work of Danny) ā€“ but itā€™s not my call to do so.

Why on earth they misused this money for this vs what they said theyā€™d spend it on, is beyond me. Very inclined to not fund again because of this + the fact we have nothing usable. There is no real debate on the definition of what an MVP is, there is the community who had an expectation of an actual live MVP and then there is what the proposers who thought it was ok to get 40k and not deliver anything.

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Iā€™m asking now, when is @gino going to refund the community for the $10,000 misused in this proposal? This is a serious question, itā€™s not a joke in any way. Iā€™m awaiting a response.

The real product is running on testnet, I had a chance to try it about 2 months ago, nothing since.

Personally I also expected a bit more, on the other hand the product really exists, if @gino will not respond in 5 days Iā€™ll send you the link to the DM.

Thanks but that means nothing really. They said in this thread it would be oss estimated in November, then they misused 25% ($10,000) on stuff not in the proposal voted on. Gino should respond to the information that their media partner shared and deliver what he promised (such as open sourcing this work especially if its on testnet) without asking for more money. After those things are addressed we can assess from there.

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I agree 100%, I just thought it was sensible to include all the information here.