Adding a transaction to send bonded SCRT

Sharing more context.

Itzik brought up internally that this market can open the possibility of network attacks. I posted this on Cosmos’ Discord:

And here’s Zaki’s response:

So it might be wiser to wait for GitHub - iqlusioninc/liquidity-staking-module than to build it ourselves. Note that it’s using NFTs that accrue staking rewards rather than fungible tokens that don’t.


I thought of a 2nd potential problem with this solution.

How will the redelegating timeout period work for this. Will you not be able to send bonded SCRT if you redelegated to that validator within 21 days or will the receiver inherit the timeout period?

Hey @assafmo is not the cosmos sdk going to ship a liquid staking module?

If we are looking to implement this would this not make it incompatible with the future cosmos sdk revisions?


What about unclaimed rewards? Are they also transferred or do they stay?

Stay. But we’re probably just wait for GitHub - iqlusioninc/liquidity-staking-module